Education Programmes

  • SOFT and PROFESSIONAL Skills/Courses are Presented in CZECH and ENGLISH
  • The list of our customized courses is only indicative
  • Based on the clients’ specific needs additional, company- tailored seminars will be prepared


Management and Leadership

  • Manager’s Self-awareness and MBTI® Typology

    This programme stems from the observation/knowledge that anybody who wants to work with people or, if need to be, manage them needs to, in the first case, understand, control, and manage himself. The participants will have during the course of this module, the opportunity to get to know themselves better, evaluate their strengths but also get to know areas of their personalities that require further improvement.

  • Leadership – Leading and Motivation of Employees

    The purpose of this course is to guide the participants to the understanding the influences of situational factors in leadership style and finding optimal ways of leading different types of co-workers, while adhering to their motivational profiles and capabilities. The implicit goal is to make the leadership process of individuals as well as groups more effective through coaching; evaluate the possibilities of team leadership and to apply leadership tools in a broader utilization, all while adhering to the corporate strategy.

  • Emotional Management (psychological and medical approach)

    Participants will learn to define and eliminate internal blocks and restraints in the communication with the client and how to comfortably face unpleasant discussion and ´not assuming´. Participants will understand and control their emotions and gain understanding how the body deals with emotions – what it can do, what cannot and what is bad for it.

  • Impact and influence

    After attending this programme managers will realize that the objective of good leadership is to create power and influence for yourself as a ethically neutral instrument so that we, our subordinates, our group, and entire organization are able to achieve stated goals. It stems from understanding that a manager is only as good as he is able to convince others to work for the benefit of the company. The work of contemporary managers also involves cooperation with people who do not report directly to him.

  • Time Management of 4th Generation, Stress and Meeting Management

    Good Time Management is not a rock science; however, you have to have a good direction and be efficient in using your capabilities. As a result you will use your time in a better way, will be more satisfied, and manage stress in a better way.

… additional based on client specific needs



  • Media Communication

    This programme is always tailor-made according to the needs of respective manager or a small group. The manager might need to improve his speech and verbal presentation – using more self-possessed or more dynamic emotions during the speech, improve his non-verbal communication, and simplify verbal presentations. Further the programme can be extended to cover these topics and skills: media specifications, press release, press conference, interview with journalist, live broadcasting, PR in emergency, lobbying, etc.

  • Moderating and Presentation Skills

    Main objective of this practical course is to advance existing presentation skills and acquire principles of efficient discussion/moderating techniques and motivate yourself for potential changes and further development. Participants will acquire fundamentals and rules of representing oneself, the company and own opinions and strengthen self-assurance for presenting/moderating and the use of presentation and audiovisual tools. They will also uncover the strengths and weaknesses of their own presentation style.

  • Assertive Communication, Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, Mediation

    Attendees of this course will use assertiveness to be more effective in their actions and will be able to gain more respect from their subordinates, co-workers and other partners. They will gain their approval. Participants will also learn how to effectively prevent and manage conflict also by using Mediation techniques. Practicing how to get your point across and how to achieve your goals are also part of this course.

… additional based on client specific needs



  • Executive Coaching

    Executive coaching designed for top executives and enables them to get distance from their daily duties and routine and evaluate objectively their skills and potential, strategically think about their development and be clear about their professional goals. Top managers will be empowered to apply coaching techniques in practise and lead, inspire and develop others.

  • Coaching Skills Development

    The objective is to get acquainted with the use of coaching and other personal advancement methods. Participants will discover how coaching can helpful in management and subsequently they will enhance their own coaching abilities.

  • Team Coaching

    Fast and effective solution for teams particularly in case when the team goals, processes, roles, relationships and communication are not set up properly or insufficiently. Team coaching enables team members to clarify and understand working style and preferences of individual members and thus increase team’s joint responsibility, performance and cohesiveness. In addition, the team coaching will improve information sharing and team problem solving skills.

… additional based on client specific needs


  • Outdoor Teambuilding Activities

    The purpose of this seminar is to increase team productivity, improve team atmosphere and interpersonal relations, and to strengthen vertical and horizontal cooperation of work teams by using outdoor teambuilding activities. Attendees will gain better assessment of their own potential of working within a team.

  • Indoor Teambuilding Activities

    The purpose of this seminar is to increase team productivity, improve team atmosphere and interpersonal relations, and to strengthen vertical and horizontal cooperation of work teams by using indoor teambuilding activities. Attendees will gain better assessment of their own potential of working within a team.

… additional based on client specific needs



  • Sales skills, Customer Focus

    The main goal is to get to know and acquire the sales scheme while putting emphasis on building the trust and relationship with the customer prior to the sales pressure and quick close of the sale. Attendees will also acquire competencies of developing a negotiation strategy according to the type of a client and clarify the process of a business meeting that will lead to successful negotiation. Attendees will also learn how to manage objections as well as factual and emotional arguments.

  • Customer Focus and Customer Relationship Building

    Attendees of this seminar will learn to understand current market conditions and the customer as the key element of forming a demand. With the help of exercises they will get to know the communication style of a customer and will be able to adjust their own style in order to create the most effective communication process. Additionally they will understand the basics of networking its rules, methods, and benefits and will also learn to use customer’s feedback to their own as well as teams benefit.

  • Consulting/Convincing Negotiation and Argumentation

    Thanks to this seminar the attendees will be able to handle the negotiation process and its individual steps, phases, methods, and techniques. They will acquire proficiency in creating a negotiation strategy according to the type of a client and the situation. They will be also able to handle manage the process of factual and emotional arguments.

  • Telesales

    Main objective is to acquire effective telesales techniques to deal with various types of customers by: making high-quality preparation, engaging client attention, persuading him, copying with objections and striking a business deal.

  • Leading and Coaching of Sales Teams

    This course provides for acquiring of knowledge necessary for successful management of sales teams and subsequent improvement of sales results Coaching methods play an important role in this system.

  • Cooperation with Internal Customer

    Attendees will learn to understand the principle of the internal customer – from the point of negotiation, priorities, and responsibilities and will be able to support their colleagues and effectively work with different types o people

  • Pricing Strategy and Management

    This course offers complex overview of the pricing strategy from initial price setting to its proper interpretation

  • Marketing Management, Strategy and Planning

    The goal is to introduce current marketing trends and know-how. Attendees will learn to identify the opportunities and threats of their clients and market segments and will be able to produce a realistic business and marketing plans. The course will also guide the attendees to be able to create actual marketing strategy.

  • New Product/Services Development

    This seminar will improve your abilities to identify, create, and successful manage new products and services. Thanks to this seminar attendees will be able shorten the time needed for market introduction of a new product and will understand barriers to innovation.

  • Strategic Brand Management

    Main goal of this course is to learn how to understand a brand, analyze its basis, and to suggest the appropriate branding strategy.

… additional based on client specific needs



  • Creation and Implementation of Competitive Strategy

    This course offers tools and techniques for analysis that will help in decisive manner to formulate company’s overall strategy. The course also covers relevant managerial knowledge and processes that are needed for a precise strategy implementation.

  • Current Management Methods and Techniques

    The main goal is to get familiar with different types of management and structure of companies including their corporate culture. The emphasis is put on employees’ innovation, creativity, and initiative.

  • Project Management and Communication

    Attendees will learn the process, methods, and techniques of project management, particularly those needed for strengthening its practical use to realize company’s strategic programmes, innovative and developmental projects, creating new products and services, production programmes, and transformation and process improvements. This course will put together the different levels of knowledge and competencies of key members and employees involved in project management and present the key communication aspects. Project management will then become a part of strategic, operational, and organizational scheme of a company.

  • Change Management

    The evolution of business environment requires constant preparedness and successful carry through changes of management, processes, organization, technology, and last but not least the care for and development of human resources. Changes in corporate culture that stimulate creativity, feel of a new, courage, and flexibility in using opportunities while minimizing risk through efficient use of all company resources are part of this process and have direct impact on firm’s overall productivity. This is the reason why we need to prepare and analyze the profile of company’s culture, test its preparedness for changes and master the tools and techniques of change management. This seminar offers you “The How To” solution to these questions.

  • Problem Solving & Decision Making

    In this module participants will lean which methods to use when determining whether one person, a manager or expert, should make decisions or whether it is better to have a team find a solution. When opting for team solution, the presenters will teach you rules of decision-making and pitfalls you can expect in this process, and steps needed in achieving the optimum solution.

  • Crisis Management

    Main objective is to make participants to understand how to identify crisis situation in the company and consequently apply principles, procedures and decision making methods according to the crisis type to effectively solve the eminent crisis.

  • Intercultural Management and Communication

    The goal of this course is to get acquainted with different dimension of differences between nations and their impact on manager’s work. This course will be a hands-on help for managers who encounter these situations or work directly in an international setting to overcome the unpleasant feeling that happens while working in “foreign” environment.

  • Human Resources Management for Non-HR managers

    The purpose of this course is familiarizing the attendees with the strategy of company’s HR department and with the options that are available to the managers. They will also learn what are the tasks of modern human resource management and practice necessary skills. The course is structures in a way so that managers will be able to handle most of the HR management tasks at its conclusion. Basic legal aspects concerning the labor laws can be added to this course.

… additional based on client specific needs



  • Financial Management, Financial Analysis and Controlling for Non-Financial Managers

    The objective is introduce employees – managers with the principles of financial management of a company in particular to focus on: explaining the rules of creating financial statements and there interpretation for use in fiscal management and decision making, recognizing the method of establishing a control mechanism that is used in invest decision making, mastering the principles of creating and evaluating invest plans, understanding modern approaches of value based management. If requested the non-financial managers can be taught to use the results of financial analysis and controlling in everyday management and decision-making.

  • Effective Management of Claims

    Attendees of this course will learn how to control debtors in a more efficient way and thus avoid debt collection. They will also learn time and financial costs of controlling and keeping evidence of debtors. We will pay attention to securing company’s liquidity.

  • Risk management

    Attendees will get an overview of risk management in the area of their business activities

… additional based on client specific needs



  • Introduction to Purchasing; Efficient Negotiation Techniques

    The main goal is to improve purchasing competencies so that the purchasing agents are able to sign valuable and enforceable agreements according to company’s strategic goals. Thanks to this practice the agents will be able to negotiate in a controlled manner and take advantage of the existing conditions.

  • Supplier Price Analysis and Price Justification

    This seminar will substantial improve analytical capabilities of its participants and will teach them how to effectively discuss pricing parameters during negotiations with suppliers.

  • Practical Skills in Logistics

    The main objective is to get oriented in the basic aspects of logistics, recognize potential of its use and utilization and to be able to further optimize logistic chains.

… additional based on client specific needs



  • Process Management

    The main goal is to explain the process analysis, work flow, and creating of flowcharts of selected processes (AS-IS situation). The participants will understand the purpose of processes, their accurate limits, and determine the detail level. They will also learn the idea map of a given process and with the importance of flowcharts.

  • Quality Management

    This seminar will explain the philosophy and basic concepts of quality control system, as well as approaches and methods used in solving quality problems. The participants will also get to know the options for continuous quality improvement

  • Production and Operational Management

    Attendees of this seminar will get familiar with the implementation of the qualitative system and will learn key factors of management, process, and organization that are necessary for planning and implementation of quantitative system with the support of project management.

  • Lean Management

    This seminar will explain the process of achieving lean production method and will clarify how to by eliminating waste and installing correct production and product supply management create conditions for productivity in a workplace and satisfy customers demands.

… additional based on client specific needs





  • Specific training method
  • Can be a supplement of above programmes

50 DVD and VHS titles in the following spheres:

  • Management skills
  • Communication skills
  • Sales Skills and Customer Focus